Meter Accessibility

Meters must have a clear and unrestricted path for access at all times.

Meter access diagram showing clear and unrestricted path


  1. Meters must remain accessible at all times.  While we no longer physically read meters, we will be performing periodic safety inspections.
  2. Meters should not be located in areas which are inconvenient to enter or where privacy is desired.
  3. The meter must have a working space of 36” wide x 36” deep and located in an area with a minimum of 84” of standing head-room.
  4. New service entrance location shall be approved by the Cooperative prior to installation.
  5. Meters to be located at alternate locations under carports, decks, breezeways, etc., shall have a clear and unrestricted path for access to the meter at all times.
  6. Meters should be located so accessibility will not be obstructed by future alterations or additions.  (See note #3)

Diagram showing preferred and alternate locations of meter for accessibility

Clearing Right of Way Guide

Diagram showing before and after clearing rights of way