Members Open House on Net Metering Wednesday, October 3rd @ 6 p.m.

Event Details

Event Date

Wednesday, October 03rd 6:00pm


Wednesday, October 03rd 8:00pm


Lane Electric Cooperative boardroom

  • 787 Bailey Hill Rd
    Eugene, OR 97402

  • 541-484-1151


Lane Electric Cooperative is considering two changes to the Co-op’s net metering policy: (1) Removing the cap on facility size (currently 25 kW), and (2) Limiting the annual unused kWh credit to $599 with any excess amount donated to the Co-op’s Member Assistance Program (MAP).

We invite Co-op members to come hear and discuss this proposal.

Please RSVP to 541-484-1151 so we can plan accordingly.

See you there!