2024 Rate Increase
Dear Members.
As your cooperative, Lane Electric works to deliver reliable power to you, our member-owners, as safely and affordably as possible. Even with our current steady flow of hydropower here in the Pacific Northwest, this is a challenge that we must manage.
To keep up with the rising costs of purchased power from Bonneville Power Administration, inflation, and critical investments into system reliability Lane Electric will be implementing a $5.50 rate increase to the basic charge in 2024. This change will be reflected on bills received in January.
We understand the economic challenges that our members face. The reality is that since our last rate increase, Lane Electric’s costs, like many of yours, have increased. We will continue working to control costs by operating safely and efficiently to provide reliable electric service. With this in mind, and after much consideration by the Board of Directors, an increase to the Basic Charge (a fixed cost) versus per kilowatt hour (a usage cost) was chosen to provide more financial predictability.
In the coming months, we’ll organize casual town hall events in each district where we’ll share more on what system improvements are planned and take questions from you.
Additional details regarding rates are available on our website at www.laneelectric.com/rates. You can also call or email our office with any questions (541-484-1151, info@laneelectric.com).
Thank you for your membership and support.
Debi Wilson
General Manager