What Does It Mean to Serve on the Lane Electric Board?
It takes many people with different skills to create a well-rounded board that can represent the full spectrum of our community. While day-to-day operational decisions are made by Lane Electric staff, major initiatives are guided by the board, whose mission is to look out for the vitality of the co-op and the communities we serve.
Lane Electric’s board is comprised of seven directors who reside in each of our 4 districts. They are tasked with staying current on important trends and policy, reviewing budgets, business goals, charitable contributions, capital investments, economic development and more. In 2022, your Lane Electric directors spent an average of 60 hours a month working on cooperative business.
“There is a long learning curve to get up to speed on the complex issues facing utilities,” says Chris Seubert, secretary/treasurer, and longtime Lane Electric board member. “The time commitment required is more than one may think, but being part of the cooperative community is a wonderful experience.”
Candidates for the board are reviewed and vetted by the Nominating Committee, made of member volunteers from around the cooperative’s service area. We thank those folks who have committed time to ensure an equal and fair application process.
In 2023, 10 applications were received for 3 positions. All candidates reviewed by the committee moved forward in the process. Due to time and other priorities, several dropped out, bringing the final slate of candidates to 5.
Throughout the coming year we’ll share a deeper look at the role of board members and projects they are working on.
Keep an eye out for your official voting packets, which will arrive soon for you to cast your ballot.
Meet the Candidates
Full director profiles will be published in the 2023 voters packet, and can be read at our 2023 Board Candidates page.