Tips Help You Stay Cool and Avoid Power Outages

With the excessive heat we’ve been experiencing, Lane Electric has tips to help cool customers whether they have air conditioners or not.

There is no question as to how hot it may get inside member’s homes, but Lane Electric, in conjunction with its neighboring utilities, have some tips that can help customers get through this intense heat in the short run.

It’s wise for customers with air conditioners to cool their homes gradually by slowly turning their air conditioners down two degrees every hour or so. If all air conditioning customers turn their thermostats way down when they get home from work after 5 pm, high demand could cause scattered outages. Following the hot weather tips also can lessen the demand on air conditioning systems.

Almost half of our customers do not have air conditioning but there are things they can do to increase their comfort and safety during this heat wave. We also encourage members to call us to learn about energy saving ductless heat pumps. There may be a rebate to help keep cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

Check on elderly neighbors, make sure pets have shade and fresh water, and to take extra health precautions themselves when outdoors.  LEC crews work in extreme heat. We understand the importance of finding ways to stay hydrated and cool – indoors and out. It’s imperative to take frequent breaks and drink plenty of water instead of trying to push on through the heat. Without taking these steps, you can end up having an accident or sudden illness requiring emergency medical attention.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, muscle cramping can be the first sign of heat-related illness and may lead to heat exhaustion or stroke. Heatstroke is an emergency requiring medical attention.

See safety tips below for ways to stay cool and safe…


Sources: U.S. Department of Energy:
 for Disease Control and Prevention:

Smoking Hot: Tips to Keep CoolSmoking Hot: Tips To Stay Safe