PSPS Events


A Public Safety Power Shutoff, also called a PSPS, occurs in response to severe weather. We turn off power to help prevent wildfire and keep our community safe. Multiple factors are considered when deciding to turn off your power, and we take the decision very seriously.

How a PSPS is Determined:

We monitor several weather factors to decide whether a PSPS is needed to keep members safe. Although you may not live or work in a high fire-threat area or an area experiencing high winds, your power may be shut off if your community relies on a line that runs through an area that does. The goal is to impact as few members as possible in pre-identified areas through a highly targeted, circuit by circuit manner.


Red Flag Warning
The National Weather Service declares a warning that weather conditions could lead to fire and rapid spread.

According to the National Weather Service, to issue a red flag warning criteria must include ten-hour fuels of 8% of less, relative humidity less than 25% for several hours, and winds 20 feet off the ground of at least 15 mph for several hours.

Low Humidity
Low humidity creates dry vegetation, which fuels fire.

High Winds
Sustained wind speeds and wind gusts can cause fire to spread.

Lane Electric Observations
On-the-ground findings from Lane Electric crews.


How will Lane Electric notify me of a PSPS?

Lane Electric will notify members as soon as possible through phone, email, text, social media and media advisories if extreme weather conditions combined with on-the-ground observation signals that a PSPS is required to safeguard members.

While Lane Electric will provide as much advanced warning as possible, rapidly changing conditions may require that we operate within a shorter timeframe. We are committed to providing information in the timeliest manner possible.

What can I expect during a PSPS event?

Timeline for a Public Safety Power Shutoff:

Red Flag Warning Issued by National Weather Service: Lane Electric is actively monitoring conditions. Members receive first notification of a possible PSPS.

Power shutoff: Extreme wildfire conditions remain, and on-the-ground coordination continues. Members in the affected area receive notification that power will be turned off.

Power restoration: Extreme conditions have lessened. Lane Electric crews patrol lines to inspect for damage and hanging debris. Power is restored once all lines are cleared and once repairs are made. Members receive notification that power has been restored.

What could trigger a PSPS?

High wildfire risk areas could experience a PSPS when on-the-ground factors and weather conditions create an extreme wildfire risk that could lead to loss of life, catastrophic damage and be difficult to fight.

We look at a range of factors before considering using a PSPS for community safety:

  • Dry trees and brush and other potential wildfire fuel
  • High, sustained winds
  • Extremely low humidity
  • Current and forecasted weather conditions from multiple third parties
  • Real-time observation from on-the-ground experts
  • Input from local public safety and health agencies

How long could a PSPS last?

Several variables are used to predict how long a Public Safety Power Shutoff would last, based on real-time factors. The shutoff would continue until the risk has passed, after which line inspection and power restoration will occur.

How will Lane Electric communicate with me before, during and after a PSPS event?

We will use all communication channels available to us to notify members. This includes outbound calls, social media updates, media advisories, website banners and alerts.

Additional Resources:

Outage Map and Status
Find the status of a current outage event.

Prepare for an Outage
Find out how to prepare for an upcoming outage and safety tips if your power is shut off.