Members Helping Members — MAP & MAP Plus
Round Up Your Bill For LEC’s Member Assistance PLUS Program
A little change can make a lot of difference!
You Can Help — For just pennies a month, pocket change that won’t be missed, you have a unique opportunity to provide emergency aid to families experiencing a financial crisis. Your small change can make a BIG difference.
It’s Easy — By signing up for the Member Assistance Plus Program (MAP Plus), we round up your electric bill to the next dollar. If your electric bill is $148.85, it will automatically be rounded up to $149 and the difference of 15 cents is contributed to MAP Plus. A few cents go a long way!
The Goal of MAP Plus — To offer assistance to members who don’t qualify for other types of relief. Because of deep cuts in government assistance programs, a growing number of people can’t get help due to limited funding. It is these families, who fall between the cracks, that MAP Plus is intended to help.
Our Member Assistance Program Helps And So Can You!
Give Some Thought To Participating, Please
For many years, Lane Electric has provided an opportunity for members who wish to contribute to the MAP, to designate an amount on their electric bill for the MAP Program. These donations are used to help our less fortunate members who are unable to pay their electric bills during the winter. Thanks to the caring spirit of several hundred Lane Electric members, almost $10,000 is raised annually for MAP. Every dollar you contribute provides emergency assistance to families who are experiencing a financial crisis by paying part of their electricity bill.
Please help make winter more comfortable for a needy family, fixed-income senior, or person with a disability by making a voluntary contribution to MAP. You may make either a single (one-time) contribution, or pledge an amount you want to give each month. Your pledge will be added to your bill.
It’s easy to help. Simply fill out the form below and return it to Lane Electric with your electric bill. You may also call the office to add your pledge to your bill. Lane Electric pays all administrative costs for the program so all donations go directly to help our members in need. Donations are tax-deductible.
The goal of MAP is to help members who don’t qualify for other types of relief because of deep cuts in government assistance programs. A growing number of people can’t get help due to limited funding and it is these families, that MAP is intended to help. If you would like to help, please complete and return the section below to Lane Electric. Your donation to MAP is truly appreciated by all of those it helps. Thank you.