Manager’s Message – October 2018
Down The Line
Dear Co-op Community Members:
What could you do in 10 minutes? Sweep the floor? Complete Lane Electric’s member satisfaction and energy usage survey? We hope you will choose the latter so we can learn how we are doing and how to best plan for your future energy needs and preferences.
Recently, a small, randomly selected portion of our residential members received a member satisfaction and energy usage survey from our partner at PNGC Power. If you were one of the households who received the survey, we ask that you please take the time—it shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes—to thoughtfully complete and return it in the postage-paid envelope by October 20. Your answers play an important role in shaping our power resource planning and learning how we can best serve you, our members.
Results from the last survey in 2016 enlightened us about our areas for improvement, including offering ways to help you save money on your electric bill and providing updated information about power outages on our website and social media. We’ve made those improvements, and look forward to learning what we can do next to improve your satisfaction.
Responding to the survey is one way you can contribute to the second cooperative principle: Democratic Member Control. As a democratic organization controlled by our members, that means we are focused on always learning what our member-customers want from their co-op. Data collected from this survey will help us do just that. Survey responses will remain anonymous. If you have any questions, our lines are always open. Feel free to call us at 541-484-1151, or email
So, you can sweep the floors or fill out the survey. Which will you choose? (Psst … the floors don’t even know they’re dirty!)
Matt Michel, General Manager