Manager’s Message — November 2019

Honor and Reflection

Dear Co-op Community Members:

Debi WilsonIt is hard to believe 2019 is nearly over and in two short months we will welcome a new year and new decade.
Before many of us begin to formulate resolutions and goals for the new year, November reminds us to pause and reflect on the things we are grateful for. November provides us with two significant opportunities to reflect: Thanksgiving and Veterans Day.

On November 28, Thanksgiving Day, many of us will pause and give thanks with loved ones. We will take time to enjoy food with family, friends and even strangers. Some of us will gather at homes and others will gather to give their time to serve others. Thanksgiving pro- vides many opportunities to spend a day with one another in an intentional way.

Another opportunity each year to reflect and give thanks is November 11. Our country would not have the freedoms it does without the sacrifice of our veterans. My first priority is to pause and say thank you to each of our members who have given their time to serve and sacrifice for our country in the military. At Lane Electric, we appreciate your patriotism, love of country and the sacrifice you made, or make, for the common good.

We also appreciate the sacrifice of each family that has a loved one who has served, or is currently serving, in our armed forces. You also are making a huge sacrifice with the absence of your loved one. We know many will celebrate both of these holidays while service members are away. So again, thank you for your service!

I am proud of our Lane Electric family that has provided service to our country and now chooses to give time serving their community. Please take the time to read more about their service to our country on pages 4-5 in this edition of Ruralite. I personally want to thank Blair, Jack, Hugh and Jerry for their service.

Our country and our veterans are important to us. That is why this year we will celebrate our third annual Veterans Day Luncheon. Please read more about this great idea from our employee, Julie, on page 4 and get all the details. We welcome any Lane Electric members in our service territory who have served in the armed forces. If we missed you, please call Julie at Lane Electric to be sure we get you on the list. We want to honor you.

In closing, while you take the time to think about the things you are thankful for, I want to thank you, our members who support public power. Thank you to those who have served, and thank you for allowing me to serve you. Enjoy the Thanksgiving season!

Debi Wilson