Manager’s Message – July 2022
Wildfire Preparedness
Dear Co-op Community Members:
It’s a busy time here at Lane Electric as we head into the start of summer. A topic on our minds as the weather turns warm is wildfire preparedness.
During wildfire season, and throughout the year, our team works tirelessly to track weather conditions, safely manage power lines and keep you informed along the way. Safety is at the core of everything we do at Lane Electric. That is why we want to offer you, our members, some resources to make your home and neighborhood safer from wildfires this season. Read through our new resource guide on our Wildfire Prep page then take our Wildfire Preparedness Pledge and share your commitment to the effort.
In addition to steps you can take, we’ll be sharing more about what Lane Electric is doing to harden our system. In June, the board of directors voted on, and accepted, the cooperative’s wildfire mitigation plan, which focuses on minimizing sources of ignition, improving the resiliency of our electric grid and implementing a plan of action. While the plan covers all our service territory, special efforts will be made in the most at-risk areas. This important initiative is also being coordinated with other utilities and organizations throughout Lane County.
In July, we’ll hold town hall meetings in each district to share about these efforts. It will be a great time to come together and discuss how we can work together to help make Lane County wildfire ready.
Debi Wilson