Manager’s Message — December 2019

Do You Know a High School Junior?

Dear Co-op Community Members:

Debi WilsonLane Electric is proud to provide another opportunity for one lucky high school junior to attend the 2020 Washington Youth Tour. I can’t think of a better way for a student to learn about U.S. history and government than to visit our nation’s capital, Washington, D.C.

As many as 1,800 students across the United States will get this incredible opportunity to learn more about our nation, develop leadership skills, gain knowledge of electric co-ops and make new friends. Students will spend one week touring Washington, meeting congressional leaders and visiting Capitol Hill. There is a packed schedule, with built-in educational opportunities and fun social events.
You can get a glimpse of some of the many places the students will visit on page 8 of this edition of Ruralite magazine. The students will fly out of Portland and spend five full days visiting memorials, museums, a baseball game and enjoying many meals together.

While enjoying the rich history, students will also get to learn about cooperatives and their people-focused business model. Cooperatives are a prestigious group of organizations that truly care about their local community. We are proud to be a nonprofit organization owned by our members and governed by an elected board of directors. Cooperatives across the nation help keep money local and in the communities they serve. We love sharing our model with others!

Aside from our business model, we are also proud to be a part of the history of electrifying the United States. Providing electricity to rural communities was, and still is, not profitable. Rural areas are difficult and expensive to reach. In 1936, President Franklin D. Roosevelt made it possible to get electricity to our low-density areas when he signed the Rural Electrification Act, which provided loans to reach rural America. Today, 99% of our rural consumers receive electricity. The history of providing electricity to consumers is a fascinating lesson in itself.

Parents and guardians: This is an all-expense-paid trip. The only cash students may need is for souvenirs. To apply, students must be a high school junior and their parent or guardian must be a Lane Electric member. Applications are due Thursday, January 23. There is still plenty of time, but don’t delay, especially with the busy upcoming holiday season.

I am delighted Lane Electric is able to provide this enriching and immersive educational opportunity!

Debi Wilson