From Your Board President

Are You Interested In Running For A Position On The Board?

Are you a Lane Electric member in good standing? Do you have useful experience, good communication and interpersonal skills? Are you eager to learn? Do you have the time to commit and a desire to serve your fellow co-op members as a director? If you do, you might have what it takes to run for a seat on Lane Electric’s Board of Directors. On May 29, 2018 the term of office for one director in the Central District and one director in the Oakridge District on Lane Electric’s Board of Directors will expire. The incumbent directors are seeking re-election. If you would like to “test the waters” to see if you would be a good fit for a director’s position, consider attending a few board meetings to become acquainted with the board and staff, get familiar with the important issues of the day, and observe how your board works together to address these issues. Our regular board meetings are scheduled for the fourth Monday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at Lane Electric’s office.

If, after attending a few board meetings, you feel like serving on the board might be something you are interested in, the process goes like this. Lane Electric has a Nominating Committee which is made up of Lane Electric members. At their direction, we posted the postions in local papers and social media on February 8th, and sent out postcards announcing elections. Position filing packets are due at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 8, 2018.

This Committee is responsible for nominating one or more qualified members for each board vacancy to be filled by election at the Annual Meeting. The Committee’s slate will be posted at Lane Electric’s office at least 70 days prior to our Annual Meeting in accordance with the co-op’s bylaws.

An alternative to being nominated by the Nominating Committee is the petition process. Qualified members may be placed on the voting ballot by submitting an application and a written petition signed by at least thirty (30) members of the Co-op The completed application and petition sheets must be delivered to the Co-op no later 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 2, 2018.Petition packets are available at Lane Electric’s office. If interested, contact Brenda Everts at 541-484-1151.

Eligible candidates are provided an opportunity to introduce themselves and share their perspectives and qualifications with the membership in our Ruralite magazine, the Annual Meeting Packet, at all of our district meetings, and at our Annual Meeting, which will be held on May 29, 2018, at 4:30 p.m. at Lane Electric’s office.

On page 8 of this issue, you will find a schedule of our five upcoming district meetings. This information will be available in the April and May issues of Ruralite, posted on our web site at, and in the Annual Meeting Packet which will be mailed to you on April 27, 2018.

Thank you,

Chris Seubert