Lane Electric Board of Directors Retain their Seats


Following Lane Electric’s Annual Membership Meeting held on May 24, 2021, Paula J. Brown and Chris Seubert retained their seats on Lane Electric’s board of directors for three more years.

Brown ran unopposed, while Seubert ran against two qualified candidates. With Brown’s reelection, Lane Electric’s board remains majority female. She will continue to serve as an Oakridge District Director. Seubert has served 18 years on the board and will continue to represent the Central District.

“Thank you to the membership for actively participating in this year’s board of directors election,” said Debi Wilson. “I am thrilled to have Paula and Chris back as directors. They both offer unique perspectives and put their membership at the forefront of their priorities.”

As a cooperative, Lane Electric is owned by its members who exercise their control by electing a total of seven board members by residential district. The board of directors determine the strategic plans, the general operating policies, the electric rates and the annual operating budget for the cooperative. The seven board members are elected from four board districts to each serve a three-year term. The four board member districts are the Central District, the McKenzie District, the Row River District and the Oakridge District.

Already this year, the board voted not to raise rates in 2021 for members. With the acute impact of the ongoing pandemic and devastation from the wildfires still prevalent, it was important to provide members with value in a time of need. The board of directors are committed to helping the community come back stronger than before.

Lane Electric’s board of directors are as follows:

Susan Knudsen Obermeyer | Board President | Oakridge District

Kathy Keable | Vice President | McKenzie District

Chris Seubert | Secretary | Central District

Hugh Buermann | Treasurer | Row River District

Jack A. Billings | Director | Central District

J. Ingrid Kessler | Director | Central District

Paula J. Brown | Director | Oakridge District